
8 May 2022

What a week it's been! 

I love a public holiday as much as the next person, but I have to say that having a normal Monday tomorrow will be nice for a change.  These short weeks have been jam-packed, so I'm spending Mother's Day enjoying some down time.  My boy bought me Giant Sour Skittles (the jury is still out on the different flavours) and a big block of chocolate that I suspect pairs well with a glass of wine in the bath.  How lucky am I?  I love that he put thought into what he bought me.

What I was going to say last week before I ran out of week...

I used to listen to a rodeo podcast where the host asked every guest what their definition of hustle was.  The premise being that there has more than likely been a time when everything was on the line and they had to back themselves.  I formulated my own answer to that question.

I have never been in the situation where my entry fees have been paid, but I don't have fuel money, so I have to make it to the pay window to get home.  I'm not much of a gambler, and I'm a hell of a planner, so it's unlikely that I would put myself in a situation where I didn't have an out.  That may be because I don't have unshakable confidence in myself, despite outward appearances.  My definition of hustle is much simpler.  Hustle is life.

Find things that light you up.  Things that feed your soul.  And do them.  Do them lots.  Learn.  Be teachable - we never know it all.  Practise.  Improve.  Perfect.  Innovate. 

All of that takes time, and if there's something that we don't have an infinite amount of it's time.  Life is short.  Too short to spend doing things that don't serve you.  Things that serve you challenge you, and to rise to those challenges you need to hustle.  We owe it to ourselves (and to those who lost their opportunities and had their lives cut short) to really live and enjoy every day.

Hustle doesn't always equate to busy, but in my world it usually does as I fit in all the things that bring me joy.  When you're living nineteen to the dozen, getting caught up in logistics, planning and schedules can dull the enjoyment a little.  There is a danger in a busy life that you forget to appreciate the small things and don't quite live in the moment as you're always reaching ahead.  It's these times that might not nourish your soul if you don't let them.  One of my all-time favourite quotes is from the book "Lonesome Dove" by Larry McMurtry, in which Texas Ranger Captain Augustus McCrae is explaining to the hapless Lorena Wood that pinning hopes on something in the future blinds you to enjoyable experiences in the present.  I try and remember it often and find that beautiful, fragile balance.

“Lorie darlin’, life in San Francisco, you see, is still just life.  If you want any one thing too badly, it’s likely to turn out to be a disappointment.  The only healthy way to live is to learn to like all the little everyday things, like a sip of good whiskey in the evening, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk, or a feisty gentleman like myself.”

Gus also said, "It's hard to have fun in a place like this, but I do my best."

I try and remember that one too.  Sometimes you have to remind yourself to find the fun and remember your why.

In my hectic week last week I had a plan that didn't work out, so I had to come up with a different idea for my 52Frames submission for Leading Lines.  I originally wanted to shoot out of the roping box at the Rodeo and have the lines of the railing lead into the arena, but I'll have to bookmark that shot for another time.  Perhaps the long alleyway at Mount Isa's Buchanan Park would be better anyway (if I can position myself for the best light advantage).  Instead, I placed a plant next to a brick wall and came up with a submission.

I had more time this week, and the topic fitted in well with what I was doing.  I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate next week's theme (Architecture) into what I'll be doing, which is covering Comet Agricultural Show.  It might be a week to get a bit more creative. 

It's been quite a party, ain't it

Purple Fairy 

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