
23 July 2022

So, I decided to move some furniture around.  I like to make a change every now and then.  Inspiration will strike, and I'll feel compelled to follow it with all the mania of a pianist's fingers taking on Liszt's "La campanella" (Google it - it's impressive).  The result was that I have marginally more space in the studio in which to work, but I will need to recalibrate my spatial awareness when walking around the end of the kitchen bench.  If only I could just push a couple of walls a bit further out.  

Occasionally in my frenzy I declutter a bit.  I'm a bit of a hoarder, because you never know when something might be useful, or there's a bit of emotion attached to a particular object that I'm not ready to part with.  I overwhelm myself with "stuff" and I just need to clear it out.  I can't get rid of everything because I like my things, but I do sometimes wish I had less of them.  I dread moving (whenever that will be).  Maybe I just need a big shed to store all my stuff in so I have enough room to live uncluttered.  I didn't actually manage to throw much away in this exercise, so I only feel partially cleansed.  I might need to go through the pantry and do a cull to feel better.  I'm sure the spices that are five years out of date aren't a necessity in anyone's book.  How do those little weevil things get in there anyway?

I do wonder now how I managed to fit all of my family day care stuff in this little unit.  It amazes me.  I was an educator in my own home for seven years, and over that time I accumulated quite a lot of bits and pieces, most of which I have since re-homed with my niece... luckily there's a shed at her place.

I toyed with the idea of opening back up because I miss my kids, and there's something special about the kind of relationships you build in family day care.  But, at the end of the day I was pleased to have my house back and fill it with floristry equipment in place of toys.  Cody was pleased not to have to share space as well, so that's that.  Seven years, 60 children and a lot of fond memories.  I was gifted a gorgeous book when I closed, made of reminiscences of my wonderful families and it makes me teary when I look through it.  It's one of the most special things I own.  I had a moment recently when I needed some reminding, so it was my go-to.  I cannot declutter that.  Any books it seems.  Marie Kondo made a pretty big call saying you should ideally keep fewer than 30 books.  I have more than 30 books' worth of joy to spark!  Perhaps that's my problem - I'm too joyous to be uncluttered!

This week's 52Frames topic is "Common Object", which of course, has unlimited possibilities. I wanted to present something ordinary in a different way (with a story, because, well, it's me, and I like that). Cody was not much help, since everything that I suggested was met with "That's not really a common object..." Lemons.  He said that about lemons!  Really?  Back to the drawing board.

Last week I knew I'd be pressed for time, so I took an image as a back-up submission, and was glad I did because my streak would have been broken otherwise. I wanted an image with a story, but I just didn't have time to pull it together, so this shot of the sunset down my street had to do.  Winter sunsets are the best though, and it's a shame to waste them.

I'm off to find a common object in a box of things that may or may not spark joy as I rearrange my newly relocated desk.

It's been quite a party, ain't it

Purple Fairy 

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