Sunday drive

26 June 2022

Whoa!  2 days ticking over on the clock and 1930km ticking over on the odometer.  How was your weekend?  I drove for just over 20 hours to spend 18 hours in Cloncurry.

North west is a happy direction for me to be heading because it means I'm going home to family, and that's kind of what I did yesterday.  Well, almost home.  Four hours' drive from home (and luckily too, because those extra eight hours of driving would not have been good).  My boy is spending his school holidays similarly to how I spent mine in high school -  helping at the service station.  Mum, Dad, my brother and his family went to Cloncurry to compete at the Annual Shoot at the Clay Target Club this weekend and we met them there.  It's kind of cute that my parents refer to my son and I collectively as "The kids".  I wonder how many times over the next fortnight they will accidentally call my son by my brother's name...

During my 20 hour round trip I took note of how many roadside conveniences there now are on that highway.  It's been a while since I've travelled that way (and incidentally it's been a very long time since I've seen it so green for so far, with so many birds!), and now there's plenty of places to stop.  I made an observation... when it's five degrees outside those five degrees whistle breezily in through the many gaps in the structure.  I'm not sure it was the five degrees that I was noticing, (or more likely the absence of the extra 20 degrees that I require for optimal comfort) or the effect the breeze was having.  If your preferred public toilet procedure is to line the seat with loo paper you have a problem.  Said paper does not stay put under those conditions, especially when the seat isn't quite flat (seriously, do people actually choose those moulded rounded seats?).  I began to wonder whether ducking off into the bush for a comfort stop might have been a better plan, especially since I have an unrealistic, yet real fear of accidentally dropping my phone into the loo, but I do appreciate the hand washing facilities and the bins.  Thanks to the crews who maintain these facilities, and the respectful people who make use of them without trashing the place.

This week's 52Frames topic is "What Is It?", and I submitted my entry earlier this week, thinking that I would be pushed for time come the deadline (and I was right - I barely had time to write and post this, such that it is).  I actually played a bit of "What is it?" along the way today.  Travelling solo I was able to take advantage of many opportunities to stop and photograph plants to identify.  It was a good little break for me because usually by the time I noticed the tree/shrub, hit the anchors and pulled over I had to walk back to get a closer look.

Last week's topic was "Shoot from above", and lacking the motivation (and willing male child participant) to drive out to the Dam and take a portrait shot looking down from the rocks I shot eggs on the kitchen bench (and desaturated the horrid pink toned laminate).

Next week is Week 26, so in the challenge I'll be halfway there (insert mondegreen "woah lemon on a pear"). I'll make it I swear!

It's been quite a party, ain't it

Purple Fairy 

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