The Job

2 May 2022

This week I had a topic in mind to write about, and ironically (given the topic) I ran out of time.  It will still be relevant next week (and the week after), so I'll get onto it then (I hope).

On the drive to Blackwater on Saturday to cover the Rodeo my son and I had a long discussion, about a range of topics (he's been quite gregarious of late - I love it!).  He's at that teenage stage where they "know stuff" and feel the need to share that wisdom with the world.  His assertion on Saturday was that I am addicted to coffee.  I mean, how rude! So, naturally, I disagreed and consented to prove it.

Yesterday I agreed to partake in no caffeine at all... for the entire day...

I won't say he was right, but I also won't say he was wrong.  Upon reflection, I think it was more about the prohibition than the actual lack of caffeine.  Although, I have been known to make the comment at the coffee van on an early morning whilst I'm covering an event (photographically) that "I'm not much good uncaffeinated."  Many a true word spoken in jest, and all that.  Perhaps I am actually in denial.  Geez, I hope not!  I love coffee.

The upshot of yesterday was that I had a headache all day (possibly due in part to the minimal water intake of the previous 24 hours) which resulted in medication and a good lie down (ah-hem, three hours' sleep that I hadn't planned on or factored into my day with the long to-do list).

I raced around the house and yard this morning to find something to photograph for this week's 52Frames topic.  It's not what I wanted, but needs must when you only have a couple of hours left to upload.

I have a jam-packed week coming up, and I'm incredibly grateful that Cody's no coffee challenge was only for a day!  Here's hoping I manage my time a bit better this week.

Last week's 52Frames topic was "Lamp", and it being ANZAC Day I incorporated that into my image.  The lamp I have doesn't actually work, so I used a torch and some light painting to make it seem as though it's lighting up the dawn and photos of my grandparents in their army uniforms. I only had one poppy to add to my rosemary wreath, so I desaturated the other colours to emphasise it a little more.

To give you a bit more content this week here's another short story that I wrote a while back.

The Job

He flicked the butt of his cigarette with his thumb, dislodging ash as he turned to face the other man, blowing a stream of smoke over his shoulder.

“It can be done, and easily.”
The other man continued to gaze across the street, watching the activity, but not really seeing. His mind was going through a checklist.

“Always the exact same time? The day never varies?”

Sonny shook his head, inhaling deeply on the cigarette between his fingers as he lent back against the wall of the building. He moved his head back from his hand and blew out smoke as he recounted the information to the second man for perhaps the tenth time.

“Quarter past eleven every time. Always on Tuesday and Friday. Why do you think I started taking my break at five past eleven?”

“Only ever two of them?”

“Yep. Only ever two. For the last three weeks the fat old one has been driving. Takes him a good minute to get out of the truck. The younger one is so full of self- importance he can’t see the old bloke is letting him open the doors all by himself.”

The cigarette had almost burned down to the butt. Sonny took one last drag and dropped it at his feet among the discarded butts that littered the footpath. Placing a polished black boot on top of it he swivelled on the ball of his foot. He tilted his head back and blew the smoke upwards, closing his eyes and savouring the last of it. When all of the smoke was expelled he looked across at Vince, who remained very straight, with his hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed on the bank across the street.
There was an air of deliberation about him as he stood there silently. Vince let out a sigh and turned his head back towards Sonny. It was as though a change of state had occurred within him. A decision had finally been reached.

“Next week. Tuesday. I’ll bring two blokes. We’ll each have a car. You only need worry about not getting in the way.”

“But I...”

“No. We do this my way. Understand?”

Sonny’s agitation was clear. “Okay.”

“We will get away clean. That’s the important part.”


“Given any thought to how you’re going to explain magically coming up with the money for the treatment? It won’t go unnoticed you know.”

“Working on it. There’s a fund. Her school started it. Anonymous donation from a concerned citizen.”

“She doing any better?” His tone changed. There was genuine concern now.  

Still the same.”  Neither man met the other’s eye in the silence. 

“Break’s over.” Sonny nodded to Vince as he moved off the wall.


He crossed the street away from Vince, making it to the opposite kerb as a white van pulled up beside him.

“One day you’ll be late back from your break or we’ll be early,” the young man said as he got out of the passenger side and walked around to the back of the van and unlocked the doors, smiling at the security guard.

“I can’t afford for that to happen Tommy. You better make sure you’re always on time,” Sonny said, waiting for Tommy to fall in beside him.
They smiled at each other as they walked into the bank.

It's been quite a party, ain’t it

Purple Fairy

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